Conditions for Equipment and Furniture Rental
Any rental signifies the client’s full agreement to the present general rental conditions and nullifies any document originating with the client even if SQUARE has been made aware of it.
Article 1
The client must place the order in writing indicating the quantity and the reference numbers of the furniture or equipment rented, the agreed price, the dates, and the rental location.
The order becomes final once the client has signed the order confirmation or the estimate drawn up by SQUARE with the general rental conditions attached.
The same will be true for any request for modification and/or additional order. Payment for the entire order, including insurance charges, must accompany the order.
Any order which does not include payment cannot be honored. All first-time orders from a new client must also include its business and banking information in order to establish its account. If not, the order cannot be accepted by SQUARE.
Article 2 Changes / Cancellation
Circumstances such as problems arising from availability of inventory and fabrication turn-around time may sometimes lead SQUARE to substitute furniture and equipment of quality identical to that ordered.
The client is considered to have accepted it unless this replacement material has been refused at the time of receipt of the order confirmation. The client will remain liable for any order cancelled, even partially, and will be billed for the entire amount.
By special arrangement, SQUARE may accept a cancellation in writing, which will, in any case, give rise to the billing of a withdrawal penalty equivalent to 20% of the total amount of the order, including tax. No deductions shall be applied for all fully or partially cancelled equipment or for any change in furniture.
Article 3 Pricing
Two prices are in effect on the website. The first rate is applied for operations taking place up to 100 km around Vienna. The second for operations taking place beyond 100 km around Vienna.
All prices listed by SQUARE, including those listed on its electronic sales site, are understood to be in Euros, not including taxes or discounts, and for a duration of less than 10 days.
Transportation is included only for fairs and trade shows taking place within a radius of 40 km of our warehouse and for which SQUARE is an official supplier.
Labor costs are subject to a free access for the trucks, a delivery on the ground floor or through goods. Non- standard deliveries (by stair cases, unconventional hours, with li- mited parking access …) will be subject to extra charges. Extra transport / labor costs will also apply on orders placed after the of- ficial start of the celebration.
Article 4 Flate fees
In cases of payment past due, the client will automatically be assessed, without notification, a late fee equivalent to two times the legal interest rate in effect on the due date.
If one bill payment is missed, all other bills due or not yet due become immediately payable without notification or further procedure.
Article 5 Delivery · Return
Delivery of the equipment rented is performed by SQUARE under the conditions set forth in the order confirmation forwarded to the client. The client is responsible for the equipment rented from the time of its delivery until its return.
Equipment rented in good condition must be used as intended and the client promises not to treat it or let it be treated in a way which may damage it. The client is liable for any damage, loss, or theft of the equipment which may occur.
The client must make all arrangements necessary to insure against these risks, and generally speaking, against any damage for which he or she will be held responsible.
In case of damage, the client will be liable for paying the cost of repair or replacement of the items if they cannot be repaired. The equipment or furniture must be restored to SQUARE empty of all contents as of the close of the event.
SQUARE will in no case become liable for the loss or damage to objects which were not removed from the furniture rented.The equipment or furniture remains the exclusive property of SQUARE and may not be moved, transferred, or lent in any way.
If the recipient refuses partial or full delivery, for any reason what- soever, the principal shall still be liable to the obligation of a 100% settlement of the SQUARE invoice.
Article 6 Compulsory Insurance fees
An insurance fee will cover the renter against risks of theft (provided that a report has been filed), or damage from the day preceding the official opening until the closing day.
If the renter declines the insurance, he or she assumes full liability in case of damage or loss of the equipment.
The nature of some products of our offer (multimedia, coffee machine, water fountain, fridge) such as their specific usage, worthiness or fragility prevents them any insurance coverage.
These products will be under the sole responsibility of the client, from the delivery to the pick-up. In case of theft, loss, or any damage caused to such material, a compensation invoice will be charged to the client, worth 3 times the catalogue price. For some products, we could ask you for a deposit.
Article 7 Penalty clause
If the client’s insolvency makes a judicial collection necessary, the client promises to pay, in addition to the principal amount, costs, expenses, and fees ordinarily and legally owed by the client, damages set at 20% of the principal amount including taxes.
Article 8 Applicable law and assignment of jurisdiction
Contracts entered into by SQUARE are subject to French law. In cases of problems of interpretation or execution of the present document, even in cases of appeal concerning guarantee or plurality of defendants, the Lyon Tribunal of Commerce has sole jurisdiction.
Article 9 Data collection
Purpose of treatment and identity of the data treatment manager The service provider collects and processes the data and personal information of its client and representatives for the following purposes (hereinafter collectively referred to as «Purpose of Processing»):
• Performing the operations related to the management of the business relation,
• Performing the operations related to customer satisfaction • Managing requests related to rights for access, rectification and opposition,
• Managing unpaid bills and litigation. The service provider is responsible for collecting and managing the data in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
The data collected by the service provider is treated lawfully, fairly and trans- parently. The data collected is adequate, relevant and limited to what is strictly necessary with regard to the Purpose of Processing. Data collected and consent
The customer and its representatives are referred as “the Customer” in this document. The Customer acknowledges being informed that he has the right to withdraw his consent at any time.
He expressly and unequivocally agrees to provide the service provider with his name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and credit card number, for the “Purposes of processing” as set out above. Information and access to personal data In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act of January 6th 1978, the service provider who is responsible of data management, informs that:
a) The Customer agrees that his personal data collected by the service provider can be forwarded to subcontractors with whom the service provider is in contractual relation;
this will be done for the sole purpose of executing the contract, and provided that these third parties are subject to regulation ensuring an appropriate level of protection as defined in EU Regulation 2016/679 regarding personal data.
This information is kept by him or any company mandated for this purpose, under the legal and regulatory conditions.
The Customer will be informed prior to any transfer of his personal data outside the European Union. In such a case, the service provider undertakes to comply with the regulations in force and to take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data thus transferred.
b) The service provider will keep the information and personal data for the maximum legal or regulatory duration applicable ac- cording to the “Purpose of Processing”.
c) The Customer has a right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition of collected data concerning the Customer.
Thus, the Customer has a right of access and rectification regarding that collected data under the conditions provided by the EU Regulation 2016/679.
The Customer can at any time obtain a copy of its personal information against request addressed to the company provider.
The Customer may request a deletion or correction of this infor- mation in writing to the below mentioned address. He may at any time refuse any commercial solicitations, modify his contact details, oppose their communication by sending a notification by regis- tered mail or email followed by an acknowledgment of receipt to the following address:
d) The Customer has the right to complain to the national supervisory authority.
e) The requirement of personal data as defined in §B determines the acceptance of these Terms of sales . The Customer is obliged to provide the aforementioned data.